Tuesday, April 30, 2013

How normal is it to be left behind in a journey two people started?? How normal is it to feel the pinch of being left behind for years to come?? and to be ashamed of a promise broken by someone else?? for feeling worthless cause you were passed over after a trial.. sort off... found worthless.

How normal is it??
What is normal when your head stops processing... you heart feels like its going to suffocate on feelings... lungs fill up so much, you may die of over exposure to air.. or just spontaneously catch fire....

Unfortunately nothing like that happens. if only it did. if it did, you'll be free. or exhausted and may be even content. but it does not. Life has other plans for you, and life doesn't even know of it.Or she won't drop a hint for you.

Stupid, crazy, insane pain. the kind of pain which doesn't have a source, or so it seems. But it makes you stop in the middle of a sentence, making you lose your train of thought. Makes you want to go for a long walk, but renders you helpless to get off the chair. Making you cry.. looking at your smiling face in the mirror.

What do I do?? Cause it feels like nothing that I can. The moment you think of the loss, it grabs you, wraps around you tighter, like as if the earlier pain it subjected you to can be bettered. What do I do?? its not a medical problem that I can get treated. Not a monetary problem that I can borrow, beg or steal for. Not a physical problem. its the kind which makes you envy the insane. the people who have lost themselves in their make believe world. What do I do??

If you choose to be with me, and told me so, what did I do wrong. If you decided I was worthy of a commitment, what did I do wrong. May be I should have braced myself, when our relationship hit the on coming cheat truck. May be I was stupid to believe you and believe that our relationship will make it, just a few struggles. That we'll make it, a little more time. May be it was my fault that I kept hoping and dreaming and believing.